I heart RDDC

Let the planning begin!

Jan 20, 2020 | News

We’re well on our way into this journey of becoming Red Deer’s first residential Alcohol and Drug recovery centre!  The approval was passed down to us in mid-Dec 2019 and now, there’s a load of work ahead of us. We’re confident in knowing that we know Who’s in control of it all;)

First steps for the new year is to secure the charity status! As some of you may know, we are taking over Loaves & Fishes charity status as of December 31st, 2019 and are in the final phases of that happening officially. Many of you have asked us, “Can we accept donations?” The answer is yes! If you’re wanting to donate right away, all cheque’s need to be addressed to Loaves & Fishes and we will gladly swing by to pick up. In the last week of December alone, we received over $26,000 and we haven’t even started asking for money yet! Truly a testament to God’s faithfulness as we keep moving forward and strive to pay close attention to what God is saying to us.

We are planning on sitting down as an executive board and cement into the very fabric of the Dream Centre our vision. “Without vision, a nation will not prosper’, and so to have a solid vision-path forward, the RDDC will be able to make all decisions based on what this vision speaks to.

Later this month, we’re also meeting with a web-design/graphics company in the coming weeks to get a logo, a better online platform and a more streamlined, online donation tool. We’ll let you in on them as they come together.

Until next time, please keep praying for us as we keep pressing into what the Lord has for us.

RDDC Board

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