
Dream Centre Update

Dream Centre Update

Here’s a sneak peak of all that’s happening down at the RDDC as renovations are in full swing! We’re getting so close to our fundraising goal. Please help us help Central Alberta by becoming a donor today!

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We’re Looking… Better!

We’re Looking… Better!

Really excited about our new look! Thanks to Brian Olstad of @RedPointDesign, we're starting to look like a real charity. Stay tuned as we unveil more plans and just what we've been up to during this whole pandemic thing. New logo, new letter head, business cards and...

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Red Deer Dream Centre Gets Charity Status!

Red Deer Dream Centre Gets Charity Status!

Some exciting news from the Alberta government this past week. Our official non-profit charity status is approved! We are officially called, the Red Deer Dream Centre Society! What was supposed to take months and months, took just over two weeks to process. We thank...

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Let the planning begin!

Let the planning begin!

We're well on our way into this journey of becoming Red Deer's first residential Alcohol and Drug recovery centre!  The approval was passed down to us in mid-Dec 2019 and now, there's a load of work ahead of us. We're confident in knowing that we know Who's in control...

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City of Red Deer Planning Meeting

City of Red Deer Planning Meeting

RDDC personnel had a meeting with the Planning and Traffic Impact Assessment personnel department of the city of Red Deer. It went well! Thanks Sherri Turpin, our architect from Turpin-Kong Architects for joining and meeting with us. Sherri gives us some language...

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